
Drug Court Orange County

Going to Drug Court Orange County

Those who are addicted are no strangers to the criminal justice system. Their addiction can lead them to commit petty crimes like theft, property damage or in extreme cases, violence.

Orange County is no stranger to this addiction and crime connection but California has taken steps to address drug related crime and reduce recidivism in convicted offenders.

If you or a loved one have been ordered to treatment by a drug court in Orange County you already know the opportunity to avoid jail and get a foundation for recovery.

Drug courts have become a popular option for reducing drug and alcohol related crime in this state. By addressing the underlying issues that drive drug offenders behavior California is starting to see a decrease in drug crime.

Read on to learn how South Shores Recovery can help you meet the Judge’s requirements and find freedom and a foothold in recovery.

Crime and Substance Abuse in California

Crime and Substance Abuse in California

According to the National Drug Intelligence Center up to 90% of burglary, domestic violence and assault can be attributed to methamphetamine distribution and use. Many people who use illicit drugs have been found to commit high levels of property crime to fund their drug use habits.

As a result the Substance Abuse & Crime Prevention Act of 2000 was passed in California to help those with drug charges by sending them to treatment instead of jail or prison. The law allows first time and repeat offenders to participate in these treatment and collaborative court programs.

While those with other charges or convictions may not be eligible, these programs have still been able to address the big issues of addiction and criminal activity by increasing education and treatment access.

Juvenile drug court and adult drug court programs, along with law enforcement agencies, have implemented this tiered approach to prevention and treatment to modify behavior and reduce drug crime in California.

What is a Drug Court?

A drug court program is a specialized docket that gives non-violent offenders with substance use disorders the opportunity to do drug court or supervised probation to avoid jail time by participating in a treatment program. These programs are based on:

  • Early Intervention: These programs identify eligible offenders in collaborative courts early in the criminal justice process before they get convicted of a crime or are on probation for a misdemeanor.
  • Comprehensive Treatment: Drug court programs provide participants with access to a full range of treatment and services including individual and group counseling, constant drug testing and case management.
  • Court Oversight: Drug court programs are overseen by a judge or magistrate who ensures participants are following the program. A probation officer may also be assigned these duties.
  • Accountability: Drug court programs hold participants accountable for their progress in the program. Participants who don’t comply with the program such as frequent court appearances may be subject to sanctions.

Following the Drug Court Model

Following the Drug Court Model

Drug court programs have been shown to reduce recidivism and improve lives of participants. A study by the National Institute of Justice found that drug court participants were arrested at a significantly lower rate than a comparison group of offenders who did not participate in drug court.

The drug court model is a problem solving court that gives non-violent offenders with substance use disorders an alternative to incarceration. Drug courts offer treatment and rehabilitation services and judicial oversight in exchange for program compliance.

Through partnerships with Judges, prosecutors, attorneys and the public defender’s office in Orange County drug court programs are often offered to those arrested for possession and even possession with intent to distribute.

If you or a loved one are facing such charges and want to avoid incarceration, completing a drug court is the proven way to do so.

Court Ordered Treatment Program

If you are in a recovery court program there are a few things you should know ahead of time. Whether you are in a DUI court program or treatment for another drug related crime your recovery may include:

  • Comprehensive assessment and treatment to address your educational goals and health care needs.
  • Regular court oversight and frequent progress checks; Drug courts require regular court monitoring of participants progress, using random drug and alcohol testing to ensure compliance.
  • Multidisciplinary team approach, you will receive care from several professionals including judges, prosecutors, defense attorneys, addiction and mental health treatment providers and social workers.

Benefits of Court Ordered Treatment

Benefits of Court Ordered Treatment

The drug court model is a proven approach to addressing substance abuse and crime. It gives offenders with substance use disorders a way to break the cycle of addiction and incarceration and can save taxpayer dollars.

Court ordered treatment can be a very effective way to help someone overcome their addiction and live a sober life. There are many benefits to this type of treatment:

  • Safe and structured environment: These programs offer a variety of services such as detox, counseling and therapy to help addicted individuals safely detox from drugs or alcohol, learn to manage their cravings and develop healthier coping skills.
  • Reduced relapse rate: Research shows those who receive court ordered treatment are less likely to relapse than those who don’t receive treatment as they have the support and resources to stay sober.
  • Better overall health: Addiction can harm a person’s physical and mental health. Court ordered treatment can help them get medical care and psychiatric services.
  • Better personal relationships: Addiction can damage relationships. Court ordered treatment can help individuals reconnect with their families and friends by giving them the skills and tools to communicate effectively and build healthy relationships.
  • Employment and housing: Those with substance use disorders can struggle to keep a job or a place to live. Court ordered treatment can help them find employment and housing by giving them the skills and resources to succeed.

In general drug courts have been proven to reduce recidivism rates, improve substance use outcomes and increase employment rates for participants. They also save taxpayer dollars by diverting offenders from incarceration after they have completed their treatment.

What is the Drug Rehab Process?

The court ordered drug rehab process varies depending on the individual and the program they are in but there are some general steps and phases that most programs follow. When you are recovering through a court ordered treatment plan you will first go through an intake process.

This is where you will be evaluated by a team of professionals to determine your level of addiction and their treatment needs. The intake process will also gather information about your drug use history, mental health and support system.

Collaborative Court Programs: Building a Foundation for Recovery

If you are physically dependent on drugs you will need to go through detox. Detox is the process of getting the drugs out of your body. This can be a tough and uncomfortable process but it’s necessary to start the healing process. Once you have completed medically supervised detox you will move on to the next phase of treatment.

This is where you will start the rehabilitation phase of treatment. This is the process of learning how to live sober and can include learning about addiction, developing coping skills and rebuilding relationships. Rehabilitation can take place in a residential treatment center, an outpatient program or a combination of both.

Finally aftercare is the last step in the drug rehab process. Aftercare is designed to help you stay sober after you leave treatment. This may include attending support groups and self help meetings, individual therapy or continuing medication treatment.

Get Help with Drug Abuse at South Shores Recovery

Help with Drug Abuse at South Shores Recovery

Government benefits and community services can provide you with the treatment required by your legal team but may not be enough to sustain long term recovery.

At South Shores Recovery we can handle the treatment needs of everyone from all walks of life. Our facility offers a wide range of treatment options from detox and residential care to behavioral and holistic therapies and more.

Whatever your treatment and recovery needs in Orange County we can handle them. Many people struggling with addiction are held to stigmatized opinions and beliefs but we see you as the human being you are. When you come to us for treatment you give yourself the opportunity to recover in a safe and comfortable environment.

Get a Program That Works with Drug Court Now

If you or a loved one is struggling with addiction and facing charges for a drug related crime this can be a tough and scary thing to go through. But you are not alone and help is available. At South Shores Recovery our goal is to help those who are suffering from substance abuse to get the treatment they need.

Contact us for more information or to see if our program is right for you. We can answer any questions you have about the treatment process and get you started today!

FAQs about Drug Court in Orange County, CA

How Long is Court-Ordered Rehab?

Length of a drug court program varies depending on your offense and recovery needs. For example, less severe drug charges may only require 6-12 months of treatment, more severe charges may require a minimum of 18 months of treatment.

Does Court-Ordered Rehab Work?

How well a court ordered rehab program works for substance use disorders will vary from person to person. Generally it depends on your level of motivation to get sober, the quality of the program and aftercare support.

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