
The Impact of Meth Addiction on Family Members

When I try to describe what my meth addiction was like especially the effects that it had on my family, it’s very tough to put into words. The best thing I can compare it to is like being in a horror film. Methamphetamine abuse is terrifying because it fundamentally changes you as a person.

I was abusing meth for over five years by the time I sought treatment at South Shores Recovery. Without doing that, I would most certainly be dead and my family members would be left wondering how and why it got so bad. The behavior and risks of meth addicts on the family are not mysterious, but it is often overlooked just how much damage can be done.

I still go to therapy today to work through the guilt I feel over the pain I put my family through.

If this sounds familiar, please keep reading to learn more about my experience in overcoming meth

Substance Abuse Wrecks Families

When you have a family member struggling with something as serious as crystal meth abuse, you are at a loss. Most people who aren’t addicts have no idea what to say or do to make things right. You feel hopeless, and that hopelessness can create a lot of problems in your own life. It was impossible for my addiction to not negatively affect my loved ones.

Family dynamics are already difficult to navigate, and that is especially true when you throw addiction into the mix. Thanks to drug treatment programs and family therapy, there are many options for getting things back on the right track. If you want to learn how to deal with a family member addicted to meth, it’s important to educate yourself on addiction.

How Meth Abuse Breaks You

Meth Abuse

My meth addiction left me homeless and destitute. I had several family members who tried to help me get back on my feet, but I broke their trust almost immediately. They welcomed me into their home, and not only did I use drugs under their roof, I did not attempt to hide it. I even left a meth pipe out after one holiday dinner, but I reasoned at the time, its not like I left it under the tree!

There’s only so much you can put up with when it comes to trying to help an addict. There’s a fine line when it comes to trying to help vs. allowing someone to take advantage of you. My family all love me very much, but they were smart enough to not let me get away with the games I was playing.

Despite being turned away by literally everyone in my family, I played the victim. In my drug-filled brain, I saw it as rejection. I was sick and they turned me away. They didn’t want to help me. In reality, I was so messed up that I couldn’t see all that they did to try and help me. But in my mind, helping me was giving me a place to stay and not asking any questions. Not surprisingly, this was the wrong approach for getting clean and sober.

What My Meth Addiction Did To My Family

I didn’t know this until I got clean, but the effects my meth abuse had on my family were devastating. When all you can do is sit back and watch a loved one destroy their life, it can create a lot of trauma in your own life. Some of my family members developed post traumatic stress disorder and needed therapy after seeing me at my worst.

I looked like a walking skeleton at the height of my addiction. My personal hygiene had suffered greatly, and I lost a lot of my teeth. I wasn’t able to notice how bad it was, because all I could think about was getting my hands on more meth. I wasn’t concerned about fixing my meth mouth. Despite the physical symptoms and behavioral symptoms of my addiction being so obvious, I refused to listen to anyone’s concerns.

Withdrawal From Methamphetamine Abuse is Real

Methamphetamine withdrawal is about as uncomfortable as it gets. I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy. Seeing me go through withdrawal on more than one occasion was another traumatizing thing for my family. Despite their pleas, I continued my meth abuse and dealt with the withdrawal when I was unlucky enough to go through it.

Withdrawal symptoms during the crash from methamphetamine include depression, fatigue, and the worst cravings you will probably ever experience. Severe depression including suicidal ideation is also common in meth withdrawal. One of the saddest parts of meth withdrawal is the fact that some people end up committing suicide due to the physical and mental anguish that they can experience.

Putting Drug Abuse Behind You: A Path To Recovery

Recovery from meth addiction for a better life

The idea of getting clean from meth addiction didn’t seem possible to me until I spoke to a few fellow addicts I know who got clean. I had a chance encounter with one of them at a gas station. They could see that I was still actively using drugs, and I could tell that they were healthy and happy. It was an emotional interaction.

They didn’t come at me with a bunch of recovery talk, they simply told me that if I wanted to get help I could. If it worked for them, it could definitely work for me. That was all I needed to hear. I continued using meth for another couple of months, but I finally had something I didn’t have before. Hope.

I decided to seek treatment and support for recovery from meth at South Shores, and I knew I was in for a tough ride. Despite the detox part being extremely uncomfortable, I was able to get through it with the help of some really great medical professionals. Once I got the drugs out of my brain, it was time for the real work to begin.

Tackling Substance Abuse and Mental Health Disorders Simultaneously.

One of the great things that South Shores did for me was make me aware that it was more than meth abuse I was struggling with. My drug use was a problem, but my mental health was an even bigger part of it than I realized. A lot of times, people who develop addictions are self-medicating in some way.

A lot of addicts have undiagnosed mental health issues, which can help explain how they became addicts in the first place. When I learned that I was struggling with co-occurring disorders, I finally had a roadmap to now figure some things out. I learned a lot about myself and what makes my mind work the way that it does.

Get Support for Restoring Your Family at South Shores

Support for Restoring Your Family at South Shores

Once I actively tried to work on my addiction and mental health issues, my family was all right there willing to offer the emotional support that I needed. It says a lot about the power of family. I had hurt these people so much, yet they didn’t think twice about helping me out once they knew I was serious about getting my act together.

I still struggle sometimes with my mental health, but I actively work on it every day and I know the risk factors. South Shores Recovery gave me the ability to rebuild my life. Being broken down and building myself back up gave me a lot of confidence in my abilities as a person. I am here today to be productive and positive. That is my goal every day that I get out of bed, and I plan to keep it that way.

If meth is damaging your family, whether through your use or someone you love using, contact South Shores today to get options. I know it was a life-changing call for me and my family, and I am willing to bet it could be for you and yours too.